Welcome to the paediatric dental practice with the blue elephant!

Would you like to go on a little tour of the practice?

Our practice does not look anything like a dental practice so there is no need for children to be scared of the dentist when they come to us. It doesn’t smell like the dentist’s either. OK, so the sounds are almost the same as the ones at a dental practice for grown-ups. But here at the paediatric dental practice, what you hear is not a drill but an aeroplane on an inspection flight over the teeth!

You and your child are more than welcome to come and see the colourful furniture, the amazing toys, the blue elephant and his best friends who live on the walls. Your first visit to Dr. Christina Jürgensen’s paediatric dental practice in Nuremberg is always about getting to know each other. You can also go on a virtual tour of the practice right here and now: just have a little browse through our photo gallery.

Photo gallery –
this is how lovely Dr. Jürgensen’s paediatric dental practice in Nuremberg is!

Directions – how to find us:

An der Karlsbrücke 2-4
Eingang: Untere Wörthstraße
90403 Nürnberg

 0911-242 73 24

Opening times

We are here for our young patients:

MO.9am–1pm & 2pm-5:30pm TU.9am–1pm & 2pm-5:30pm WE.9am–1pm & 2pm-5:30pm TH.9am–1pm & 2pm-5:30pm FR.by appointment only

News – what’s happening at our practice:

01.09.2021 The blue elephant has a new friend!

After passing her Abitur (equivalent to A levels), Eva Gnahn has begun her apprenticeship at Dr. Christina Jürgensen’s paediatric dental practice. She is now busy learning and training at our practice to become a highly skilled dental assistant in two years’ time. And she is already very popular with our small patients.

Vacancies – would you like to work with children and teeth?

All positions in Dr. Christina Jürgensen’s team are currently filled.

The paediatric dental practice in Nuremberg regularly offers apprenticeships for those eager to learn. Apply now for the next apprenticeship year! The three-year apprenticeship for dental assistants is highly varied – that is something our young patients make sure of! They expect caring support from smiling, helpful, communicative individuals. And, of course, the finest work on their teeth at the highest technical level of quality. We expect that, too! If that describes you and you are a hard and careful worker, then you will soon win yourself a responsible position on our team and in the hearts of our demanding young clientele.

Send your application to:

Dr. Christina Jürgensen
An der Karlsbrücke 2–4
90403 Nürnberg

or: info@drjuergensen.de